
To support our Welfare Projects, we need to raise funds. 

We do this in many ways, from Book Sales to Raffles.
We also have our very popular Christmas Hamper and Easter Egg raffles, in conjunction with some of the popular pubs in the town.

We recently embarked on two new major fundraising projects

– we ran a Beer Festival in conjunction with the local rugby club in June,
which was a tremendous success and we hope to repeat this in the near future
– possibly 2023! 

We are also planning to reintroduce the Shipston Food Festival in September 2023. 
As a market town, food has been such an important part of our town heritage in the past and our aim is to support existing local traders, as well as specialist food vendors in our immediate area though a spectacular reintroduction of a festival. 
Please watch our Forthcoming Events page for more details.